Tuesday, 21 February 2012

% of people with active social media profiles: infographic

ZDnet's Tom Foremski wrote a column that questioned the true size of social networks due to the amount of users with empty or fake profiles.

To back this up he cited analysis by Kevin Kelly, a former editor of Wired magazine, on 560,000 people that have 'circled' him on G+. The largest group of people were found to be 'ghosts' - those who hadn't even filled out profile information.

This week, social media agency Umpf has released an infographic based on a study of over 2,400 people's social habits, aiming to find out just how active UK consumers are.

Comparing the way people use the most prominent networks, it seems that Facebook has the most active audience for both men and women overall.

While YouTube takes second place, and Twitter third. When you separate this by age, a similar pattern occurs, with minor differences around the use of Flickr - and social media use decreasing as a whole as age increases.

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